This month marked a significant milestone for Studio Real|ne, as our founder Abigail, hosted SFW Hub Plymouth in partnership with Sustainable Fashion Week. This event was a celebration of everything preloved, second hand, handed-down, reworked, and reworn.This year’s Sustainable Fashion Week programme exploded, for the first time taking place online, across the UK and internationally. In collaboration with individuals and organisations in different regions, the goal was to inspire, upskill, and empower people to demand a fashion industry that is clean, green, and fair.

SFW Hub Plymouth was an immersive and accessible space for people across the southwest. A place to be inspired, learn new skills, and share knowledge, collectively changing our relationship with fashion. The event provided a platform for sustainable designers and encouraged caring, repairing, reworking, and re-wearing our clothing.

Working with the community, the aim was to make sustainable fashion accessible. Taking a grassroots approach and empowering people with skills and resources to drive a positive shift in our relationship with clothes.

The Devonport Guildhall transformed into a creative hub celebrating; vintage resellers, upcycled fashion brands, slow fashion labels, charities, creators, clothing, jewellery and accessory repair services, textiles makers, and more.

As a responsible fashion platform, it was the perfect opportunity to take our collection out to our audience in person, which proved to be a great success, with half our stock sold! We believe that preloved clothing holds immense value and importance, from the stories passed down with every garment, to the intricate vintage stitch work found in a seam. It’s about actively reducing fashion’s impact on people and the planet.

If you’re looking to embrace sustainable fashion and take further action, we stand by the four pillars developed by Sustainable Fashion Week:

DO reconnect yourself with the process of how your clothing is made
DO become an activist take action for change
DO reconnect with your community to share skills and knowledge
DO take a stand and be represented. Sustainable fashion must include and be accessible to people from all communities
DO reconnect with the impact of overconsumption and join this movement for change

DO repair clothing, keeping it in use for longer
DO create new clothing with pre- loved textiles
DO keep textile waste out of landfill by finding new uses for it

DO invest in preloved clothing to avoid buying new
DO host clothing swaps and share clothing with your network DO explore local rental schemes to avoid buying new
DO feel pride in wearing outfits again and again (and again!)

DO choose organic, regenerative or recycled fibres, if buying new
DO centre garment workers’ rights and wellbeing when you choose where to shop
DO wash and care for clothing in a way that reduces its environmental impact
DO reject fast fashion – holding brands to account and demanding an end to fashion’s exploitation of people and planet